Hammersmith - tradução para francês
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Hammersmith - tradução para francês

Hammersmith, London; Hamemrsmith; H'smith; Hammersmith Council; Hammersmith Road; HammersmithLondon BID; Hammersmith Mall
  • [[Bill Bailey]], comedian
  • [[Eric Gill]], typographer
  • [[Gustav Holst]], composer
  • [[Hammersmith Town Hall]]
  • [[Joe Calzaghe]], boxer
  • [[John Milton]], poet
  • King Street
  • Lower Mall from the river, with [[Hammersmith Bridge]] on the right
  • [[Rosalind Franklin]], chemist
  • [[Rosamund Pike]], actor

Hammersmith, family name; area of Greater London (England)


sexual preference
(sexual preferences)
Someone's sexual preference is the same as their sexual orientation
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Hammersmith is a district of West London, England, 4.3 miles (6.9 km) southwest of Charing Cross. It is the administrative centre of the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham, and identified in the London Plan as one of 35 major centres in Greater London.

It is bordered by Shepherd's Bush to the north, Kensington to the east, Chiswick to the west, and Fulham to the south, with which it forms part of the north bank of the River Thames. The area is one of west London's main commercial and employment centres, and has for some decades been a major centre of London's Polish community. It is a major transport hub for west London, with two London Underground stations and a bus station at Hammersmith Broadway.

Exemplos de pronúncia para Hammersmith
1. They're playing at the Hammersmith--
Kelly Jones - Stereophonics Lead Singer in Conversation _ Talks at Google
2. used to be called the Hammersmith Apollo.
Kelly Jones - Stereophonics Lead Singer in Conversation _ Talks at Google
3. the Glasgow gas works, and the Hammersmith bridge
Talking to Terrorists _ Jonathan Powell _ Talks at Google
4. We opened our first shop in Hammersmith in West London,
Life is a Game _ Ian Livingstone _ Talks at Google
5. In Hammersmith, there's whole islands made of wet wipes
Mudlarking - Lost and Found on the River Thames _ Lara Maiklem _ Talks at Google
Exemplos do corpo de texto para Hammersmith
1. Aucun train ne circulera sur Circle Line et sur Hammersmith and City Line.
2. Il est accusé d‘avoir refusé de fournir des informations sur Hamdi Issac, alias Osman Hussain, qui serait responsable de l‘attentat raté à bord d‘une rame de la Hammersmith and City Line à la station de Shepherd‘s Bush.